Alice Parker received professional training successively as a composer, conductor and teacher. Her work is founded on the interaction of these fields, and their extension into writing, theorizing and mentoring. It is founded upon the conviction that music is first and foremost sound, and that a paper diagram is a very imperfect medium for its transmission. Vocal sound comes from human throats, and is infinitely variable. An inner vision of those sounds is necessary before one can evoke them through composing or performance. She knows that wonderfully musical sounds can come from amateur as well as professional singers, from children as well as adults, and from churches, schools and family groups.
Her over fifty years' experience in teaching has given her the ability to express her ideas in clear and memorable language. Her love of poetry and of the lyric line in both words and songs undergirds her understanding. She has identified techniques which work for composers, performers and teachers, and inspires any group which works with her into wonderfully musical, expressive and communicative singers.
As Artistic Director of Melodious Accord, Alice Parker’s artistic vision and leadership is at the foundation of the organization’s activities.
I believe that melody is the foundation of human music-making, and that song issuing from one human throat is the essential first-step to a musical life. I am fascinated with the combination of words and music; therefore I have concentrated on choral and vocal works, using the very best texts that I can find. Chamber music involving small groups of voices and instruments is a favorite medium.
I am a devotee of folk songs from many cultures, as well as the rediscovery of Christian hymns from many centuries. Melodies which last teach me about the nature of melody itself, and I never tire of composing,arranging, conducting and teaching from these ever-flowing sources.